Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lord; Someone who completely broke my heart and my trust has contacted me again...
I couldn't even open their e-mail. I remember how painful it was, for so long, in trying to forgive and forget.
And now I'm wondering if I've done either one....I know I have to forgive release the fear of what was said and done happening again...I know I probably will never forget...their may always be the scars...the thorn in the flesh, as it were, to remind me that You are the only one that can deliver me from the bondage of my spirit to unforgiving and resentment of any kind.
What great Love has delivered me from the bondage and power of sin in my own life....You want me to know the freedom of what complete forgiveness means...and I won't until I am made conformable to your death.
I can sit here at this computer and mouth off about how I should do this thing...what you expect from me...BUT...I must be truly WILLING...and...WANTING TO.
I will never have peace...with myself, with you or the person who hurt me until I do.
Help me me to see the futility of carrying grudges...of wanting be validated or the one in the prove anything...What ever my reasons or excuses may be to continue in this state of unrest of my soul and spirit...None of these things will bring me justice or peace...and it actually inhibits the one that I am not forgiving.
I have head knowledge of your Word concerning what I should do....
Ephesians 4:32 says, "to be kind and compassionate toward those who have wronged us...forgiving each other, just as you forgave us."
You have told me that if I forgive the one who has sinned against me, that you will forgive me. Matthew 6:14
I remember when Peter came to you asking, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother (or sister) who has sinned against me? Up to seven times? And then you Lord answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Matthew 18:21-22
You said that LOVE....COVERS....a MULTITUDE OF SINS...that if I forgive, then you will forgive......Lord have I kept this one who has been seeking forgiveness, from be forgiven, because I thought I had, and had not....and now you are making a way for them and me...because of your great love for us both?
for keeping them in a state of wanting forgiveness and not being able to find it, and for any pain that I may have caused them...
I release them of all wrong doing Lord...I forgive them...for their sake, for my sake...and for your names sake...that Love might reign in our lives, even according to your Word.
Lord I ask...that this thing that I do, be sincere, and done in YOUR LOVE.
I remember....and not so long ago...that you asked me this question, when another hurt me...."jOY....are you willing to let this person be right even when you know they are wrong?.....
My answer was....Lord, I cannot do this until you show me the same lesson of Calvary's Love........."Father, forgive them...for they know not what they do."


Geoff Maritz said...

Love? Yes love. Thank you for this post. God bless you.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

Such an uplifting post. Thank you so very much. God's blessings, Lloyd

Faith Jaudon said...

Thank you for sharing your heart today. You have no idea how much it ministered to me...May God honor your obedience and restore what the enemy has stolen. Thanks again, Faith

Heart's Cry said...

Joy, a wonderful post that I can identify with..we all experience these situations and yes, it truly takes the Love of God to cover it all. Love, Patti