For several weeks the Holy Spirit had been dealing with me about my prayer life (He still is)... I'd pace the floor at night with thoughts that defeated me before I ever knelt down...
In the earliest of the morning hours, I once again found myself pacing...crying out...Lord, I come...I do not seem to understand how to come anymore...is it sin in my life?...Help me.
I knelt down, half expecting an answer...racing thoughts once again filled my head...analyzing, condemning, reasoning with logic...all mixed with trying to get past my own needs and the obvious need to know how to intercede...
Until I heard my name being oh so sweetly whispered, "Joy" I had an instant conscious sense of the Lord's presence...that familiar and unspeakable visit that only He makes, right on time, full of mercy and grace...
"Joy, Look up...focus...I'm right here with you...focus...be still."
With the eyes that can see only those things that are of the Spirit...I saw Him...I saw Love...patience, kindness, long suffering and so much more in His gentle smile.
"I've been here all the while, waiting for you to just focus on the fact that I'm here...waiting for you to be still...Today I have given you a key that will open up doors to peace and rest...So many times I have heard you say, "there's something missing".....and I say to you, it has been your bondage to self made goals, works, and contemplation of imagination."
"Surrender your thoughts to me...your reasoning...your manipulating control of mind that wants to make a way where there seems to be none...I Am the Way...I Am the Truth...I Am the Life...these three are but one to you, nothing else matters...Come to me, sit with me for awhile, and let us reason together, let this be the beginning of your ministry unto Me, and my revelation to you."
Amen Sweet Sister in our Savior Jesus!
May God still and calm your soul.
Joy, this has been me too...only other things got in the way of Peace. Faith has not left me for I Love the Lord Jesus with all my heart but I, too, have said for a very long time, "Somethings missing"..and its the same...my own selfish ways..your word has blessed me today.
So reassuring! It cannot be truer that He is always with us when we pray. Just know He is there. Joy, God bless you!
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