Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Lord...let the light of your Word shine upon what this vessel releases from the reverberating galaxies of the soul.

Blessed eternal and Holy Spirit...breathe upon the Word your resurrection life.  Let those who have ears, hear.  Let those who have eyes, see.

For even from the beginning, You spoke through your prophet Able, who worshiped You in Spirit and in Truth...with a more excellent sacrifice than his brother Able.  Luke 11: 50... Your light did shine revealing the difference between life and death.  To know You is life. 

You fill me with quietness and peace,  a sure hope and confidence that betrays logic and mortal understanding...You are my faith, the Rock upon which I stand.

Though the heavens and the earth pass away.  Your Word will remain will never pass away.  In this my great desire is to worship You my Lord...with that more excellent sacrifice of praise and devotion that comes from total surrender, and fixed vision of You.

(Man.)..this earthen vessel has sought to worship you from it's labor of it ever since.  Our flesh can never offer up anything of worth to a Holy God.  The works of our hands will never give you praise and glory, from that which was cursed. 

Your darling Lamb...Your blessed and only begotten Lamb which was slain "I declare and give praise and honor and glory too...He is my praise, my honor, my more excellent sacrifice of praise...that praise which still speaks down through the ages.  That prophetic praise of the prophet Able, declaring the Christ, and every prophet who's blood has been shed from the foundation of the world...even of this generation it shall be required.


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